Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Today the Preview Copy of Wonder at the Window Arrives

Today the Preview Copy Arrives!

I can't wait.  I've been writing for the last nine months and this is the fruit of that labor. This is the fourth book I have written on prayer.  Other titles include: Waiting at the Window, Warring at the Window and Waltzing at the Window.  They are available for purchase at my online store:

This has been a great project because my daughter, Mary has designed the cover and formatted the book.  She is an art major and its been great to work with her on this endeavor. What author wouldn't love having a graphic artist in their own home?

Here's a sneak preview of the book summary:

The only times in my life I have been truly speechless have been those times when God did something so amazing, so out of the ordinary, that I could only look on with my mouth hanging open. In this book, the fourth in the series, I have shared some of these awe-inspiring moments with Jesus. As you will see, this book has been about my time in a wilderness of sorts and what the Lord has taught me there.

The wilderness is a place far away from ATM machines, fast food providers, and drinking fountains.  Yet we find here that God can provide fresh manna, water from a rock and whatever we need from out of nowhere.  Perhaps there will be a time up ahead when you will be led through the wilderness.  I hope this collection of scriptures and thoughts will provide encouragement. I am sure there are some jaw-dropping moments ahead for you too.

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